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DSC_3919.jpgAri Company tries to unite the Diaspora investors

On July 15, NKR Prime Minister Ara Harutyunian met with Ani company’s board members, who had arrived from the Diaspora.

  NKR Prime Minister Ara Harutyunian noted with apparent satisfaction that a document would be signed at the next meeting with the company’s board members, which would initiate the prospective development of Artsakh.

 He informed that three years before, jointly with Ari Company, they had launched a program, which had benefited over 600 families. The results are obvious. The existing program should be discussed and spread in other regions of the country, for which it is planned to involve other Diaspora communities. According to the Prime Minister, it is one of the most fruitful projects for the recent years. In fact, there are different ways of business development – crediting of big business, large investments, etc., but the privilege of this project is that it is launched in a region needing it mostly. This idea should have its further development.         

            And the idea, as Ara Harutyunian noted, was discussed a year ago – it will result in the change of the general image of Artsakh, including its social status. The program is aimed at creating a settlement corresponding to modern standards. The program has another meaning – it is very important to imagine Artsakh after 30-40 years. The Prime Minister focused on the fact that the present settlements of Artsakh were mainly formed in the 50s-60-s of the 20th century, or they were created in accordance with the then demands. However, the current requirements are quite different - first of all, new approaches are needed in the process of future development of the settlements of Artsakh. According to Mr. Harutyunian, the initial steps are made, and they will have their logical continuation. The vision of future and long-term cooperation with Ari company’s board members is hopeful. The Prime Minister of the Artsakh Republic called it symbolic that the new dwelling block will be built in one of the important liberated historical Armenian areas – near the Goris-Stepanakert highway. The new block of the town of Berdzor will represent a new dwelling area. The Prime Minister stressed the symbolic fact that the descendants of the true masters of the town would return to their homes near the Goris-Stepanakert highway connecting Artsakh with Armenia.

            Executive Director of Ari Company Benjamin Bjjakchian noted that the company had about 150 branches so far. According to him, the works are conducted in due course and there are no problems in the works and programs implemented jointly with the Artsakh Republic. If it is possible to implement programs aimed at the agricultural development and provision of the residents with jobs in the above-mentioned regions, so similar steps should be taken to improve the housing conditions of people living in these regions, in accordance with modern requirements. Mr. Bjjakchian stressed that by signing the memorandum they indicated the serious intentions of the Diaspora, in particular Lebanon, on the process of resettlement of Artsakh. He considers that a similar approach should be displayed by other communities.

            The details of the project were presented by NKR Minister of Urban Development Karen Shakhramanian. An exchange of views on the construction of the dwelling block in Berdzor began a year ago. Ari Company assumed the funding of the new settlement construction. As a result of discussions, it was decided that it must be built on the territory adjacent to the highway Goris - Stepanakert. The most convenient place was chosen - close to the Berdzor stadium, on the right bank of the Agari River.            8888.jpg

            Initially, 50 houses will be built. The area will comprise a junior school where a kindergarten will operate. According to the Minister of Urban Development, some changes were introduced in the project during the recent discussions. When entering the new quarter, we will find ourselves in the main street, where residential buildings with individual streets will be on the left and right. The streets will be with night lighting, landscaped, and with all the infrastructures. Constant water supply will be provided. Each house will have its own private plot, and the residents will be able to farm. Mainly, two-, three-, and four-flat houses will be built. Young professionals will have their own apartments, which will allow them to actively participate in the development of the region. According to the minister, the solution to all technical issues is agreed, the competitive package will be ready within 45 days, then the construction works will follow.

            Before signing the memorandum, Prime Minister Ara Harutyunian informed good news - member of the Board of Ari Company Buzand Gevorgyan became 80 years old. He is the oldest member of the company. Awarding him with a memorable medal, NKR Prime Minister Ara Harutyunian said that Mr. Gevorgyan had made a great contribution to the company. He expressed hope that Artsakh would celebrate his 100th birthday, as he worked with the same energy so far.

            The memorandum was signed by NKR Prime Minister Ara Harutyunian and Director General of Ari Company Benjamin Bjjakchyan.

             After signing the memorandum, the Director General informed the journalists that they had implemented investment programs aimed at the development of agriculture in the Kashatagh and Shahumyan regions for already three years. For three years, 2 million dollars have been invested in the agricultural sphere, and over 600 families have enjoyed the program.

            Wheat and barley were sowed on about 550 hectares of land, and the livestock increased by 1800. The program is successively implemented. New investments are planned. According Mr. Bjjakchyan, the new block of Berdzor will be built in a symbolic area. The initial stage of the construction works will start in October. According to preliminary calculations, it will be completed in a year.

            The Director General informed that Ari Company had united investors from the Diaspora. The company started its activity in 2010, comprising only 16 investors. Today, they amount to over 1560 from different countries, but mostly from Lebanon. There are investors from America, European and Arabian states. "Our goal is not to make a profit, but to populate the regions and to create normal living and working conditions for the people”, said the Director General of the company.

            Awarded with the memorable medal by the NKR Prime Minister, citizen of Beirut Byuzand Gevorgyan was excited. He expressed his gratitude for the award, noting that he lived with the acknowledgement of his duty and believed that everyone should be useful to his homeland and his people as far as possible.