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Van Novikov

 The new amendments to the Law on State Pensions have been in force since May 27 of this year.

As it is known, the adoption of these changes stems from the need to solve the problems in the legal field, to expand the guarantees of the citizens in the field of pension security. In particular, a change has been made in the procedure for calculating professional work experience. Accordingly, when assigning a partial pension, the period of joint employment will be calculated in the length of service. Vardan Abrahamyan, Head of the State Social Security Agency of the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Housing of the Republic of Artsakh, explained that a partial pension is assigned by the list of professions and positions defined by the government.

- The participant's pension is appointed at the age of 55. From now on, retirees, if they have at least 12 years of professional experience as of January 1, 2004, can apply to recalculate the period of joint employment. At the same time, regardless of the fact that the combination was defined by the professions defined by the list, the head of the agency said, emphasizing that the pensioner's application for recalculation is mandatory.
According to our interlocutor, with the new amendments to the pension law, it was given the opportunity to appoint people to receive a pension with a power of attorney those with disabilities who participated in the military operations of the Defense Forces of Artsakh and Armenia, people who performed special tasks, persons who have become disabled because of the injury while performing official duties, and during hospital treatment in a foreign country, whereas in the past it was assigned in case of submitting the application in person. Those who have this category have the opportunity to receive the unpaid amount with a power of attorney in case of retirement.
A change has also been made in the procedure for submitting the relevant documents required for the recalculation of the pension. According to V. Abrahamyan, 12 months after the previous appointment of a working pension, the pensioner submitted a reference on the fact of the period he worked. The recalculation was done accordingly. According to the relevant amendment to the law, submitting a certificate will not be considered a mandatory condition. The pensioner's application will be a sufficient basis for recalculation. Then the recalculation will be carried out by the pension appointment structure based on the available databases.