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 A poultry factory is being built in Machkalashen community of Martuni region in order to ensure employment and stable income of the residents. The head of the community Lernik Avanesyan said this in a conversation with the reporter of "Azat Artsakh", adding that the construction works have started for 15-20 days. - The cost of the program is 271 million drams. It will be implemented with the funding of the government and in cooperation with "Navasard Agro" farming company. The planned 15,000 chickens will be distributed to 50 families of the village, 300 chickens each, - said L. Avanesyan. According to the mayor, construction works are underway in the village to reconstruct 48 houses damaged by the war. "20 houses have already been renovated," said L. Avanesyan, emphasizing that the villagers are also involved in the construction works. A 5 km long water line is being laid for the irrigation of Machkalashen gardens. - The pipeline from the artesian well will be taken to a high place, where a swimming pool will be built. Due to the new water line, 25 hectares of the village vineyard will be irrigated. We plan to build the second water line for the other parks, - said the mayor. The Amaras monastery is located in the territory of the community, where, according to the mayor, renovation works are also underway