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 After the 44-day war, a lot has changed in Artsakh, but the strong connection to the roots remained unchanged. The belief that our suffering homeland can be given life and a new breath again, made us put aside all uncertainties and fears, pains and sufferings and get involved in the development of the homeland. Many people know about Ashot Jivanyan, as well as about the huge investments and numerous programs that he has been implementing for more than a decade. The benefactor also continues to take care of the future of the native Chartar. Recently, the Russian businessman-philanthropist set up a public catering / ready-made food factory in his native Chartar with his own funds. The official opening took place at the end of last year. The goal of “Jivanyan’s Food “ ready-made food factory is to provide delicious and fresh food to the population. Executive director Artyom Jivanyan mentions that before the war they planned to open a bakery. They had their own flour mill, the logical continuation of which was to operate a bakery. Before the 44-day war, the construction of the building was completed. "After the war, we saw that a new demand arose among the population related to ready-made food. And without thinking for a long time, we decided to set up other food preparation sections in parallel with the bakery. "Currently we have a separate bakery with a wide range of bakeries, a confectionery with a wide variety, a separate kitchen for appetizers, salads and various dishes, which includes both Armenian, Artsakh and other national cuisines with a variety of dishes," says A. Jivanyan. It should be noted that the workshop is located in the central part of the Chartar town on the Stepanakert-Karmir Shuka-Martuni highway, which will allow travelers to use the products. They already have 9 employees, in the near future two people will join them. Employees are trained to work with the required quality. The existence of such a point is very important for Chartar. Here they are ready to accept orders and deliver them. We talked with the executive director about the uncertainty of our country's status, which prevents some people from investing. My interlocutor mentioned that if you stay, you have to create. Chartar is a settlement near the line of contact, but, ignoring all the fears and dangers, we must stand up for ourselves. Importantly, we see a future in our city, there is a clear decision to stay in the homeland. We must live and create. I call on all of them. "We must always try to take a step forward, thus contributing to the development of our homeland," he says. The factory has prospects for expansion as well. Their goal is to build a snack bar in the surrounding area, where they will be able to serve their products to customers.