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Grape wine has been known to mankind since time immemorial. And when a woman, especially an Armenian woman, is engaged in winemaking, its taste becomes immortal.

Diana Aghajanyan has been engaged in winemaking for several years: both in Askeran and outside the region people already know about her hard work and the quality of the produced wine.

The young woman started this business together with her husband, Armen, and the initiative of the newly created family was accompanied by success. The spouses were very hardworking, active and optimistic. People were surprised: these brave young people were undertaking great things for their age. The family's son Gor was born. Everything seemed so good... However, fate was merciless. In 2019, 34-year-old Armen became a victim of an accident...

...Diana decided to continue the work she started with her husband. She, suffocating the immense pain, multiplied her will power without complaint and devoted herself to winemaking. She does everything herself, starting with grape selection and ending with wine bottling.

When we visited the young winemaker, she was busy pressing the wine for the second time. It was interesting to see how it works: all actions were practiced, as if a specialist with years of experience was standing before us.

In the process, Diana answered our questions, shared her thoughts, and told us how much she loved this work.         

- It so happened that after graduating from secondary school, I was admitted to the "Yeast production technology and winemaking" department of Artsakh State University. At first I didn't like it that much, that field was kind of foreign to me, but from the 3rd year, when we started visiting wineries both in Artsakh and  Armenia, I became very interested in winemaking. I have been doing it since I was a student. The first time I started producing wine, I bought only 500 kg of grapes. Today I invested 8 tons of grapes in the production. Let me say that wine requires a lot of love, patience and optimism from beginning to end.

I choose the grapes myself, because only a good harvest can produce quality wine. I mainly buy it from the village of Khnushinak in the Martuni region. This work is very interesting and attractive for me; I do it with love and responsibility.

Today, the number of high-quality wine appreciators is increasing, and I work to make my wine lovedby everyone, says the young winemaker.

Diana Aghajanyan proudly tells us that 6-year-old Gor, who considers himself the man of the house, helps her in everything. The hard work, willpower, and determination inherited from the parents are already evident in the little one.

Of course, these works would have been difficult if her husband’s and her relatives would not help Diana. Naturally, products that are in great demand are easily sold.

In addition to wine, the young woman also produces various fruit vodkas, prepares dried vegetables and fruits. She also participates in various festivals with her own products.

Of course, we were impressed by Diana. As they say, each winemaker himself decides what his wine should be. Diana Aghajanyan's red wine has the most important thing in it: boundless love and unforgettable memories.


Karine Bakhshiyan