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President Harutyunyan convened an enlarged sitting of the Security Council

On December 13, President of the Artsakh Republic Arayik Harutyunyan chaired an enlarged sitting of the Security Council. The military-political situation created as a result of the blockade of the corridor connecting Artsakh to the outer world by Azerbaijan was on the discussion agenda. 

It was underscored that the uninterrupted operation of the corridor is guaranteed by the November 9 tripatite statement, the provisions of which are once again violated by the Azerbaijani side. 

The Security Council made a decision to address with a letter the Russian peacekeeping contingent deployed in the Artsakh Republic calling the closure of the corridor inadmissable, which will lead to a humanitarian disaster. 

The President emphasized that the authorities are taking all the measures possible to solve the issues related to ensuring security and normal life functioning of the population.