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Konstantin Zatulin on Artsakh authorities' decision to grant official status to Russian language


I certainly support the decision [of the authorities of Artsakh] to grant an official status to the Russian language. This is what First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on CIS, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Russian Nationals Abroad of the Russian State Duma, MP Konstantin Zatulin told Armenian News-NEWS.am.

“I know that the population of Nagorno-Karabakh, or perhaps as it was in the past, had good knowledge of Russian and respected the Russian language. Today, in the current circumstances, I understand why a decision was made to grant an official status to the Russian language. Perhaps Russia’s role in the maintenance of peace in Nagorno-Karabakh and the presence of Russian peacekeepers are bringing Nagorno-Karabakh closer to Russia. I believe knowledge of Russian will help the population communicate with the Russian soldiers,” Zatulin said.

During a conversation with Armenian News-NEWS.am today, Chairman of the Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport of the Parliament of Artsakh Aram Harutyunyan said the Russian language has been granted an official status in Artsakh. He also stressed that Russian will be the second official language and that Armenian remains the only state language.