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 Fourteen high-ranking naval officers have been arrested in Turkey. They are accused of "attempting to overthrow the constitutional order" in the country. In fact, it refers to an open letter addressed to President Erdogan, in which the Turkish military only expressed concern over the so-called "Istanbul Canal" project.

The point is that Erdogan proposes to build a canal connecting the Black and Marmara Seas. One of the most difficult issues in international politics in the last century was the issue of the Bosphorus-Dardanelles Strait, which was under the jurisdiction of the Ottoman Empire. Losing in World War I, Turkey lost its sovereign national right to control the Straits.
In 1936 an agreement has been reached on the Bosphorus-Dardanelles issue in the Swiss city of Montreux. Formally, Turkey has regained its jurisdiction, but all merchant ships are guaranteed unimpeded passage. The warships cross the Bosphorus-Dardanelles after informing the Turkish government in advance, but only in peacetime. In case of war, Turkey's consent is mandatory.
By launching the "Istanbul Canal" project, Erdogan is creating an unimpeded access to the Black Sea for Turkey, which can be used in other countries as well.
Kudryashova, an associate professor at the Moscow Institute of International Relations, made a rather interesting comment in this regard. According to her, high-ranking Turkish officers have expressed the concern of about NATO. Apparently, Erdogan's "Istanbul Canal" project is not considered contrary to Russia's interests. This is in the case when Turkey has an obvious anti-Russian orientation in the issues of eastern Ukraine and Crimea.
One can assume that Russia and Turkey have some common interests in the Black Sea, which have not been voiced yet. This is evidenced by the concern of the European Union. A high-ranking EU delegation is leaving for Ankara to hold direct talks with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.