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The future Artsakh will be developed with infrastructure, with all social guarantees, with all the necbessary conditions for a dignified life. The President of the Artsakh Republic Arayik Harutyunyan said this at a meeting with a group of young people. We have started several projects that require enormous resources: the Patara canal-reservoir, which will provide Stepanakert with round-the-clock water. The construction of the Ivanyan-Nakhichanik-Vardadzor-Khnapat-Khramort pipeline network is nearing completion. Today we have a small problem with regular power supply, which is being solved. The construction of a very large hydroelectric power plant has already started, which will make us energy independent. The issue of non-gasified communities will be solved, and the asphalting works must be completed in 3 years. "All the roads leading to the village must be asphalted," said the head of state. Touching upon the security agenda, Arayik Harutyunyan noted that in that sense it is necessary to have a long-term partner. I would even say an indefinite partner with whom we can protect our security. It is Russia, we do not see a common security system with any other country. "At the same time, we must rebuild the Defense Army, make it efficient, so that our security is more guaranteed," said the President, emphasizing that education must become the main weapon. "From January 1, we will increase salaries by 20%, teachers - more, and those who receive high salaries - less," said the President. To the question whether it is possible to have an Azeri checkpoint in the Lachin / Kashatagh / corridor, the President answered that it is excluded, as the mentioned section is registered as a corridor, and if there is a checkpoint, it will become a controlled road, it cannot be considered a corridor. President Harutyunyan noted that he sees the future of his relatives exclusively in Artsakh, he does not intend to move anywhere else. We must have a dignified peace agenda. The negotiation process continues, there is no change in it. "The right to self-determination is the main negotiating direction for us. I see the future of Artsakh through self-determination," the Artsakh Republic President emphasized.