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Summarizing the key programs in the social security sphere in 2016 on the New Year eve, NKR Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Samvel Avanesyan highlighted the changes made in some programs as a result of the April four-day war.

 The NKR Government adopted a number of resolutions to regulate the order of paying reimbursement to the NKR citizens recruited during the April war. 

Additional 179 million AMD was covered by the programs on the social protection of families of deceased and disabled soldiers, including one-off compulsory state insurance payments, provision of state benefits, organization of funerals, cemetery improvement, and installation of headstones.

According to Mr. Avanesyan, works on preparing the lists for paying monetary compensation to the citizens recruited during the April war have been carried out since May 2016. The NKR Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, cooperating with other state structures, have implemented works related to the accommodation, food security, and social issues of the people displaced from Martakert, Talish, Mataghis and other settlements. As agreed, bank accounts are opened for this category of people through the support of social security institutions in Yerevan city and the regions of Armenia. The ministry is kept informed of this. Thus, corresponding amounts are sent to bank accounts opened for 63 pensioners from the village of Talish now living in Armenia. Also, corresponding amounts are transferred to bank accounts of 11 out of 38 beneficiaries registered in Talish for getting state allowances. The same principle works for other social payments.

The NKR Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs also participated in the NKR Government’s works on the restoration of the settlements destroyed during Azerbaijan’s aggression.

In April-May, a working group, led by NKR Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Lenston Ghulyan, visited all the settlements in the Republic of Armenia where families displaced from Artsakh had temporarily settled. 15 meetings were organized with about 200 families living in Yerevan and four regions of Armenia for presenting the position of the NKR authorities regarding the current situation.

«As a result of the conducted works, 272 people from Talish live in the NKR territory, including 122 - in Alashan area of the Martakert region. They are provided with accommodation furnished and equipped with the necessary living conditions. Material assistance in food products is rendered to the people of Talish. Besides, one-off assistance in 50.000 AMD was rendered to each person. Since the temporary settlement of the residents of Talish, the NKR authorities' attention has been focused on their problems. Regular visits and meetings are organized with the citizens», said Samvel Avanesyan.