[ARM]     [RUS]     [ENG]



 The staff of the Russian peacekeeping team continues to carry out tasks aimed at ensuring a stable security regime in the areas under its responsibility. As reported by the headquarters of the Russian peacekeepers in Artsakh, the situation along the entire line of contact remains calm.

It should be reminded that the control by the peacekeeping forces is carried out in 27 observation points on a round-the-clock basis. In Nagorno-Karabakh, Russian peacekeepers continue to assist the civilian population in providing and distributing targeted humanitarian assistance.

On July 23, the officers of the Humanitarian Response Center visited Berdzor and Aghavno settlements. According to the press service of the Russian Federation, more than 2.5 tons of humanitarian aid was transferred to the local population, in particular, food, kitchen utensils, as well as other essential items. In total, humanitarian aid was provided to 120 residents.


To the question of what criteria the place of humanitarian aid is selected, Humanitarian Response Center’s representative Major Ruslan I. answered, "We cooperate with the local population, organize a reception at the Citizens' Reception point, answer the" hotline "calls. Residents talk about their problems, want to get answers to their questions. As for the choice of the place of humanitarian aid, everything is clear. According to the received calls, we contact the heads of the regions, study the situation and "provide the necessary support". Humanitarian aid first of all presupposes that which is first of all necessary for the inhabitants who went through the war. The website of the Dr. Lisa Foundation, a participant in the humanitarian mission, lists some of the aid provided to Artsakh by benefactors.

On July 24, representatives of the Russian peacekeeping team accompanied 617 pilgrims to Amaras Monastery. During the period of July 24-27, the staff of the Russian peacekeeping team ensured the safe organization of agricultural and construction works in Martakertand Martuni regions.

On July 26, the staff of the Russian peacekeeping team officers ensured the safe implementation of the preventive works of the water supply system of Taghavard community and of Stepanakert.

On July 27, the officers of the Humanitarian Response Center conducted an interactive lesson on "Peacekeeping Missions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" with the participants of the summer camp 1 of the Khachmach community.

Russian engineering groups continue to mine other sites, as well as destroy unexploded ordnance. To date, 1900 buildings have been inspected, more than 657 km of roads, 2201 hectares have been cleaned, 25677 explosive objects have been found and destroyed.

3867 residents applied to the RSF Reception Point. In total, the "hot line" received 1779 calls from locals.