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 The visits of expert doctors to Artsakh within the framework of the Leadership program of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan continue. On December 13-14, Diaspora expert at the Professional Council under the Minister of Health of the Republic of Artsakh, consultant in the neurology department of the Doha Kart Clinic, member of the International League against Epilepsy, member of the World Stroke Association, Associate Professor GayaneMelikyan paid a professional visit to Artsakh to share her professional abilities and skills.

During the two-day visit, the expert first received, examined, advised patients, shared professional experience with Artsakh specialists at the Republican Medical Center, and then continued his consultations at the Martuni Regional Medical Association.

According to Maya Azatyan, Advisor to the Minister of Health of the Republic of Artsakh, on December 14, the doctor received the local patients in the Martuni Regional Medical Association and provided appropriate medical care.

And in general, G. Melikyan said that as a result of the two-day examination, it turned out that the patients had all kinds of neurological problems, as well as problems caused by post-war stress. The expert noted that some patients could be consulted by a family doctor or psychologist, as most of the complaints were due to post-war stress. As for the abilities of local specialists, G. Melikyan stated that they correctly diagnose and treat patients, there is simply a lack of necessary medication, and a number of neurological problems require medication. Some medicines are missing not only in Artsakh, but in Armenia. According to the specialist, efforts should be made to obtain them from abroad.

Such visits are used to organize the necessary medical care, exchange experience, and learn about professional nuances and innovations in the field.