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About 30 students from Khramort community of Askeran region are temporarily attending school in Ivanyan, Aygestan communities, AskeranandMartakert regional centers. The director of KhramortschoolAnushGabrielyan informed us about this in a conversation.

"I am in touch with parents and children. Our students should be temporarily enrolled in schools operating in the country, but they do not express a wish. "Everyone is waiting to return to the village soon, where they will finish the academic year," said the principal.

According to her, Khramort secondary school has more than 60 students, and 18 children are included in the adjacent pre-school institution.

Mariam, a 7th grader temporarily living in Stepanakert, prefers to join her classmates attending a school in Ivanyan soon instead of Stepanakert in order not to miss classes.

According to the principal, a group of parents do not send their children to school because they do not have clothes or textbooks.

Grandmother Laura feels herself very restless in her grandson's house. She is in a hurry to return to the village.

"I thinkwhenwe will go to our village, our house to continue living with our family of 9 people. The men of this large family are now in Khramort. Grandfather Roma also complains that his son and grandchildren do not take him to the village.

The air of the native village is irreplaceable for the grandfather.

"It is time for the trees to bloom, all around are white and red flowers.”I want my house and my place, I want to cultivate my land," he says.

The residents of Khramort, temporarily living in Stepanakert, in addition to state support, also received help from the International Committee of the Red Cross and individual benefactors.

For Tamara Petrosyan, who temporarily lives in one of the hotels in the capital, the stove of her house and even the boiling tea on it are irreplaceable.

"No matter how good conditions we live in, it will not replace our house,” she says.

The mother is hoping to return to the village with her two children.

"I am complete only in Khramort, where I started a family, put a house and a place," she says, adding that the first house in the village is theirs.

Her son, Ashot, is a 2nd year student, and Natalie is in the 6th grade. In the conversation with us, the girl said that she missed the village, her classmates.

"I do not want to go to school anywhere else," she says, adding that she is the only girl in the class.

Before leaving the house, Natalie only took the photo of her father who died years ago ... She is also waiting to return home.



Photos by AlvardGrigoryan