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One of the narrow and old streets of Stepanakert leads to the house of grandmother Emilia. We also met on that street. She was sharing her concern about the situation in the country with her neighbors.

We cannot be part of Azerbaijan. ”It is impossible even to tolerate them in our land," says grandmother Emilia. "We have not forgotten how we lived in those years."

"How did you live?" I intervened.

"It was not easy, but in those years the fulfillment of the desire to live in the liberated land was still far away, until '88," she says and approaches me. We continue our conversation by walking. Grandma Emilia gives candy or chewing gum to every child she meets. I always have them in my pocket, she says. A good generation is growing up, every time they greet me warmly, they ask, how they can help me? Each is a soldier. Who can win such a generation? My youngest son, Arsen, was in Bekor's platoon in 1992. He was a good fighting boy. The loss of friends was hard. Even after the war, he wanted to start a family and build the future in the homeland. "At the age of his father, he had an accident and died," she says, choking on tears.

84-year-old grandmother Emilia has has difficulty climbing the stairs leading to the house. She had an operation on her leg, but she does not feel pain while cultivating the garden.

- The darden is far from the city center. No, my leg does not hurt while working. I like working with land. I take my children to the department. "My two sons live in Russia," she says and continues. "I do not sell garden goods. I give them to my displaced neighbors. "

We sit on the balcony, from where a beautiful view opens, the cross of Dashushen hill in the center.

As soon as the lights of the cross are on, I come home wherever I am. I wake up in the morning when the lights of the cross are off. I always look to the cross and pray to God.

Grandmother Emilia tried to live far from Artsakh several times, but she could not. Today she is far from her sons. Only the phone can alleviate the longing. During the 44-day Artsakh war, the house was damaged again and repaired with the support of the state. She suffered many hardships. There were 9 children in the family. She did well in school, but it was difficult to continue her education. During the summer vacations, she reaped and eased her parents' worries with the money she earned. She got married after graduating from school. A new burden hung on her fragile shoulders when the care of her three children was left to her, but today my interlocutor is not dissatisfied. Browsing the family photo album, she happily remembers her youth, every day gone by.

- We have lived hard and difficult days. The rib ofArtsakhis thick, the forehead is solid. We will fight until the end. "I am not the one leaving my country," she says.
