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Famous businessman, social entrepreneur, public figure Ruben Vardanyan met with the students of Artsakh State University on September 7. At the meeting, he told the students about his past life course, noting that he has been engaged in charity work for almost 3 decades. "Armenia and Artsakh have naturally always been and remain the basis of my activities and plans. For me, Artsakh has become the place where I gather strength for more than 20 years," said R. Vardanyan. According to him, security is the problem that requires a priority solution regarding the future of Artsakh. "I feel many obligations to you. As hard as it is to say, but, unfortunately, the war is not over yet, and we must act very rightly. I am sure that we have the ability and opportunity to change our future. Of course, great efforts are needed for this," said the businessman. Then Ruben Vardanyan answered the students' questions, one of which was also related to his taking a position in Artsakh. "I will say that Ruben Vardanyan did not come to Artsakh to hold any position, but if my holding any position will contribute to the good future of Artsakh, I am ready to do it," said the speaker of the day.